Skinvestment with Skincare Products online in India
The fast-paced world we live in has a wide variety of products to offer ranging from face mists to body masks and whatnot. However, do we question ourselves on how harmful the chemicals we use on our skin are? Our body, skin, and hair are the results of 4.3 billion years of evolution on the planet. The secret to keeping it healthy is clean beauty. Clean beauty comprises all products that are not harmful to the environment and suitable for our daily skincare regime, as they do not compromise the health of our bodies.
Green And Beige, skincare products
are nurturing, nourishing and safe for both your skin and the environment.
While Conventional beauty standards have a major share in the market, awareness
about the rising need and use of clean beauty is something that should be
mission at Green And Beige is to protect
and preserve your skin. The urge to foster ethical, honest and clean
ingredients brought us to modernize our skincare
solutions. We forbid the usage of any
artificial substances in our skincare products online in India.
the ease of your homes, you can check out our online skincare collection too. At present, we offer a Body Scrub,
Armpit Mask, Body Butter and a Body Lotion, curated with high-quality
ingredients to pamper and rejuvenate your skin.
helps to remove dead cells, smoothen the skin and nurture glowing skin. Yet,
this is only true for products that use clean and green ingredients, else as
observed, artificial ingredients may cause your skin to dry up further. Green
And Beige’s Body scrub chief ingredients comprise coffee and cocoa butter that
help in boosting collagen levels and reduce signs of premature skin. This
product tops the demand list of our online customers.
Looking forward to refreshing and energised
armpits? Yes, we have the perfect skincare
solution for you. Our underarm odour control detox is all that you need.
It contains Xylitol Sesquiquadrate, a rarely used vegetable-derived
antimicrobial that helps unclog pores and absorb odour causing bacteria.
Definitely, the best news your armpit has heard in years.
glowing, hydrating and rejuvenating, that’s what makes our Body lotion stands
out. Curated with wheatgerm, that
prevents skin damage and promotes regeneration of the skin. Almond oil in Body
Lotion replenishes squalene levels and prevents premature ageing.
winter buddy - Our Body Butter Constitutes a combination of Xylitylglucoside,
Anhydro xylitol, Xylitol that rehydrate and stimulate skin renewal.
waiting for that “Skinvestment”?
Enrich your skin with the best, already.
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